Sascha Brown Rice

Story Consultant | Writer | Producer

A B O U T   S A S C H A   B R O W N   R I C E

With over twenty-five years in the industry, Sascha offers a unique perspective on storytelling.

Sascha Brown Rice is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, coach, and teacher. Rice writes both fiction and non-fiction. Her Emmy-nominated documentary California State of Mind and her feature rom-com Mango Kiss both won multiple honors, screened internationally, and were broadcast (on Netflix, public television, Logo, and more.) Recent producing projects include the feature film Solace, the web series Black Kung Fu Chick, and the short film BASURERO. In her role as consulting producer for The Big Tell, Sascha shepherded sixty short docs into the world. As the Global Marketing Director for Eastman Kodak’s motion picture division, she launched innovative collaborations and increased community engagement. She serves on the Board of Advisors of the Pat Brown Institute, which is a non-partisan public policy Institute at Cal State LA.

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Booking Inquiry

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C O A C H I N G   P A C K A G E S


Starter Package (5 sessions)

  • up to 5 individual development sessions
    as-needed review of client media
    custom start-up documents for road-mapping
  • ongoing email and text support during the life of package.

BONUS: 3-month Compass Membership

Let's do it!


Build Momentum (10 sessions)

  • up to 10 hours individual development sessions
    as-needed review of client media
  • custom startup documents for road-mapping
  • ongoing email and text support during the life of package.

BONUS: 6-month Compass Membership

Let's do it!

M O R E   S E R V I C E S


A Custom Story Consult

Take your Story to the Next Level.

- 4 development sessions
- Story Memo
- VIP Client Rate on packages + courses
- 6-month Compass Membership

Let's do it!


Join the inner circle.

Find support, accountability, and inspiration.
- VIP Client Rate on packages + courses
- SEARCH PARTY (Group coaching sessions/ Q&A)
- Vision Boarding Workshops 

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Greenlight Yourself

  • Have a draft or a work in progress but aren’t sure what's next? 
  • The manuscript review is for you! This affordable offer gives you helpful high-level feedback and guidance on what type of editing your story needs. 


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Find the Right Fit

  • Compass + Path: Begin Your Writing Journey
  • Dare to Draft: From Page One to Draft Done
  • Mastering Momentum: Get into Your Writing Groove
  • Vision Boarding
  • Wrap & Map


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Tap into the unconscious

  • The answers are already in your unconscious. In this 30-minute one-on-one session, we use tarot to unlock the imagination.
  • You bring a question or story problem. We use the cards to spark meaningful conversations, reveal helpful insights, and open up possibilities.   
  • Choose a Story Cycle Spread or a classic reading. 

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A Practical Playbook for Writers and Dreamers

  • Discover the four phases of the writing process and unleash your creative potential.  
  • Packed with over 60 writing activities, 75 tools and techniques, and exclusive behind-the-scenes stories. 

T e s t i m o n i a l s

"I went from zero to finishing a six-episode teleplay and registered my treatment with the WGA...

Switching gears from producer to writer was a challenge, but Sascha’s approach helped me create structure, enjoy my process, and nourish my soul. She helped me to maintain focus and gain confidence while learning to honor my own rhythm.”

— Linda

“Sascha helped me sift through and identify the ‘gold’ in my writing...

She gave me clear directions on next steps to take as I cobbled together a first draft of my memoir. She was also a wonderful cheerleader, helping me believe in my project and inspiring confidence in me to move forward.”

— Rachel

“Sascha made me believe in myself as a writer. She gave me all the steps I needed to accomplish my goals and provided support along the way...

English is not my first language, but Sascha could see the ideas behind the words and helped me take my work to the next level. She brings out the best in you as a writer while being respectful of your voice.”

 — Marcelle

Sascha provided much-needed structure, helping me outline a framework and timeline for my project while encouraging the creative process...

For inspiration while I worked on my treatment, I also participated in Sascha’ s workshops and engaged in fun, thought-inspiring exercises that left me feeling focused and centered.”

— Pamela V.

Work with Sascha

Have questions? Book a complimentary session.

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